The Church of the Transfiguration is a Christian church, situated in Minsk. Minsk is the capitol city with a population of approximately two million people. The first service took place there on June 17th 2001.
»» Our goals:
- Creating powerful and effective worship in Spirit and Truth
- Developing all aspects of church life (Evangelism, Sunday School, Choir etc)
»» Evangelism:
Directions of service:
- Work with teenagers and students
- Evangelism through charitable work
- Learning through Bible study
Some actions:
- Easter concert
- Camp for young people
- Christmas concert
»» Our classes:
- Class # 1 — Children of 3-5 years
- Class # 2 — Children of 6-9 years
- Class # 2 — Children of 9-12 years
»» Charity:
Our Charitable service is based on:
- «As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith». Galatians 6:10.
- «… how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive». Acts 20:35.
»» Schedule of Services at The Church of the Transfiguration:
- Sunday School — Sundays 10.00
- Sunday Service — Sundays 11.00
- Church Fellowship lunch — Sundays 12.30
- Bible Study — Sundays 13.00
- Prayer Meeting — Thursday 19.00
Phone (eng/russian): +375 29 8-77777-9
The post address: P/Box 24, Minsk, 220141, Belarus (rus/engl)